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Tory Greatly Improved

Greg Jendreas gave us this welcome update on Tory.
Mark sent the latest update earlier today... "Infection is gone, the respirator is off, he's talking a bit, and he's in pretty good spirits. He's still too weak to walk on his own and still not able to swallow food or liquids, but the physical therapists had him up and walking around with a walker. Hoping to move him from ICU to rehab on Monday. Still a ways to go, but a total 180 from where he was a week ago." As I recall, Sally via the doctors, and the literature, indicated the first 5-7 days were crucial. This report from Mark was 8 days I think. Very good news. Sally, Tory (when he can communicate again) , Mark and Kevin offer their thanks and appreciation for everyone's thoughts and prayers. Pretty good community we have have here, thanks to everyone in it.


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